Wednesday, June 27, 2012


I am going to New York next week, in FIVE days.
I can't even believe it! I am SO excited.. but I am super nervous too. Me + Big Airport alone = ??!
I know it's childish.. but I'm not used to it. It seems so grown-up.
If theres one thing thats bad/good about me.. it's innocence. I'm like too good. I don't cuss, drink, or do anything illegal or just bad/rude. Well, cross out rude.. cause I am rude when I need to be. Like an inner animal pops out and hilarious comebacks come out when someone is actin' stupid.
You should NEVER EVER see me mad. When i'm mad... I'm mad. I start shaking and I turn red as a tomato.
Another bad habit: Changing Subjects on Topic Blogs!
Anyways. I was thinking of making a checklist of everything I need for the 3ish week vacay.
Not on here! That's be embarrassing. Why? "Framed photo of my cat" CHECK! Haha, kiddin'. I'm not THAT obsessed with cats.
Well anyways, I'll try to blog in here before I leave to New York or when anything NY-related pops up.. which is unlikely.

Well, WIHL!
~ Mira

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